Community update - April 2023

June 5, 2023
Public feedback, Gugu Badhun Liaison Officer, and local collaboration.

Public feedback supporting leading practice development

The Public Environment Report (PER) for the Upper Burdekin Wind Farm was on exhibition for comments from February to April. Over that period, we received valuable feedback from regional stakeholders, as well as support from Traditional Owners, members of our host community, and both regional councils.

The PER was the result of more than two years’ extensive cross-seasonal environmental study work and in-depth stakeholder consultation. These surveys provide a good understanding of the environmental values of the project area.

We are now in the process of reviewing and collating comments. We will respond to all submissions received within the public exhibition period, and feedback will be considered and addressed in the project’s Final PER. Once the PER is finalised, it will be available via the project website.

Gugu Badhun Liaison Officer to work on Upper Burdekin project

A key milestone under the Windlab-Gugu Badhun Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) has been met with the employment of the project’s Liaison Officer by the Gugu Badhun Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC.

In April, the new Liaison Officer and Gugu Badhun Coordinator attended Windlab’s Kennedy Energy Park to experience an operational wind farm up close.

The Liaison Officer will provide a formal connection point between the project and the Gugu Badhun people and will support the implementation of the ILUA and Cultural Heritage Management Agreement (CHMA) throughout the life of the project.

Local collaboration to build a lasting, positive legacy

The people that live in our host communities are long-term stakeholders in this project. We take your views seriously.

We’re committed to ensuring the Mount Fox community is kept up to date with the Upper Burdekin Wind Farm as the project unfolds.

Windlab staff are on the ground in the community regularly. Community information sessions are held in Mount Fox at least every six months, and whenever there is an opportunity to share information regarding new project developments. Our next regular community information session is scheduled for August.

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